Friday, April 1, 2011

Feeling Trapped

Dear Miss Monroe:

I met my boyfriend back in June of 1998.  At the time he was the sweetest guy ever.  I was six months' pregnant with someone else's kid who disappeared coincidentally around the time I told him I was pregnant.  My boyfriend helped me out throught the rest of my term he seemed like the perfect guy. My family couldn't see how great he was or how much he helped me but I really love him.

I went to Nebraska for the summer to see my family and came back in August.  He was a totally different person.  Yeah he was nice at times but other than that he was abusive physically and mentally. When ever I would make a mistake or lose my job through another co-worker's fault and her vendetta against me, he would say I was a horrible person and I was worthless. 

I always have to watch my mouth and whatever I say around him because the littlest things would set him off on a rage.  I have had plenty of bruises but the thing is I love him. Now I don't know what to do.  I have given up everything for him. I am only 19 and I have thrown away my family.  They don't like my boyfriend and said if I moved out and in with him that was it. My family wont take me back. I left Nebraska when my family told me to stay to get a new start and start beauty school.  I came back for this? What do I do?

Feeling Trapped

Dear "Feeling Trapped":

Okay.  You are young and you really need help so, though I think you are clueless, I am going to try with all my might not to be a bitch about this.  I might not be able to hold it all in, though.

You have made some really dumb-ass decisions up until now.  The good news is that you are only 19 and it is not too late to fix all this crap.

Please call your parents.  Tell them that you made a mistake and that your asshole boyfriend is using you as a punching bag.  Apologize for your former stupidity, and ask if you can move back home and go to beauty school.  Don't be a smart-ass or a know-it-all when you are on the phone with them.  Be sincere, humble, and appreciative.  Most parents are willing to let you fuck up a few times before they completely cut you off.

Then, pack up and leave this douche bag behind.  I know you think you love him, but his abusive behavior is likely to escalate.  Please, start a new life for yourself while you still have the opportunity.

And quit being such a fucking idiot.  Sorry.  Couldn't help it.

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