Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sensitive in Tennessee

Dear Miss Monroe:

I have basically gotten myself into an uncomfortable situation and I want to know what your advice would be.  

There's this girl. Let's call her Amanda.   I basically met her at the bar where I work and we've been dating for about two years.  

Just so you know, I should mention that I'm not really a relationship person. I don't know what it is, it's just that after awhile when I spend a lot of time with people, basically they begin to annoy me.  It just gets to me somehow.  Largely based on this aspect of my personality, I broke up with her just before Christmas.  The bad thing is, since then we've been seeing each other occasionally and having sex.  

She says she still really wants to be with me.  I've told her it's not on the cards, and she's says she's fine with that.  She says she can be happy just seeing me occasionally and having a bit of fun, because she'd rather do that than not see me.  But then sometimes she writes me these super-long texts about how much she misses me.  Last week I saw her car on my block and I live nowhere near her, so, basically,  I think she could be following me.  Yesterday, she started crying and said she can't keep doing this but through her sobs she was giving me some below-the-belt attention so it was kind of awkward.  I didn't know what to do so I just stood there and finished.  

What should I do?  Basically as I see it my options are either (1) to carry on as I am, see her sometimes and have fun not worrying about how she's feeling, I'm not leading her on etc, (2) still be friends but not go further with her (I'm unsure as to how able I would be to do this, due to us regularly being in close proximity when intoxicated, and her tendency to try it on in these situations), or (3) cut off all contact, cruel to be kind, etc.

I should point out that I've been with other girls in the meantime, and she's rejected any advances from people other than me. I'm just worried about her, basically.


Sensitive in Tennessee

Dear "Sensitive:"

Are you super good in the sack?  Is your dick made of solid gold?  Do you closely resemble Kellan Lutz?  If your answer to any of these questions is "no," then WHAT. THE. HELL.  I mean, where do you guys find these girls with absolutely no discernible self esteem?  Is there an ad or a club or something?  I don't get it.

Please stop banging this poor girl.  She is not emotionally equipped to have casual sex with you.  Or casual blow jobs.  Also, please stop using the word "basically."  God!  I think if I met you in person, I'd have to punch you in the face.

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